
Hiiiiii! I’m Aria Eliot, though I also go by various other names in various places. I’m a 23-year-old trans woman and aspiring author and musician! I believe magic is real and exists all around us, just in a mundane way. Magic is love magic is nature magic is music magic is storytelling magic is art in all its forms, and those who create art are practitioners of it. As such I genuinely identify as a witch (beyond just the aesthetic though the aesthetic is definitely part of why), as silly as all that probably sounds to anyone that isn’t me.
If you can't tell already I'm very weird and pretentious about art, but in the most loving and least elitist way possible. I think anything with artistic intent is valid art, regardless of what my personal feelings towards it may be. I do have preferences as to stuff like genre and medium and style and the like but I enjoy trying things outside my usual wheelhouse from time to time. Sometimes I find something to unexpectedly love, sometimes I hate it, but the experience of it is always valuable to me.
To someday create art that impacts someone’s life the way other people’s art has impacted mine, that’s my greatest wish.

                                        - Aria

Some Favorites

(in no specific order)
(i originally meant for this to be shorter oops teehee :3)




Misc. Things:


TV Shows/Anime:



Bands/Music Artists



Video Games: