Forbidden One

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1. Spring Fever (2:03)
2. I Had A Dream (2:33)
3. The Sun's An Eye (4:35)
4. Witches (3:36)
5. The Fleeting Essence of Time and All Such Constructs (2:00)
6. Advent (3:20)
7. Mother Gaia (5:05)
8. Blind Idiot God (14:07)
           I. Invocation
               II. Forbidden Text
                   III. Everdream
                        IV. Ritual

(Released on June 6, 2022)

Created as an experiment over a period of about two weeks. I challenged myself to make a new song from concept to completed audio file every day, and while I didn't manage to pull it off entirely, the songs I did make have all been tweaked and collected here in Forbidden One. While this project is very rough due to how it was made and my total lack of experience, it has served as an invaluable learning experience for me, and I hope you're able to find at least a little enjoyment in what it has to offer.


[Spring Fever]

I don’t care where you’ve been
Only where you’re going
Don’t you see; it is true
You’re my one and only
Take my hand, it’s alright
I will guide the madness
Don’t you fear any pain
I command the darkness

You can’t stop my love, my love for you
You can’t break the chains I’ve placed around you
You can’t stop my hate, my hatred for you
You can’t break free from this spring, spring fever

Like a bud in the spring
Your love is growing for me
And my love for you
Is vaster than the sea
I will wipe your tears
I make you feel important
Don’t you know that you’re mine
And I’m all that matters

You can’t stop my love, my love for you
You can’t break the hold I have over you
You can’t stop my hate, my hatred for you
You can’t break free from this spring, spring fever

They say love is like the spring
And we’ve caught the fever
Take a breath soak it in
My gullible lover
Please don’t leave; don’t you know
You’re nothing without me
Please just think, know it’s true
Don’t you dare defy me

You can’t stop my love, my love for you
You can’t see the ways that I control you
You can’t stop my hate, my hatred for you
You can’t break free from this spring, spring fever

[I Had A Dream]

I had a dream
Just you and me
I was thirsty
But my room lacked water
I left my room
I searched, it’s true
I found a brew
But you weren’t much farther
Your drink was bad
It made you mad

Our eyes meet across the checkered counter
I shrug listlessly, I can’t be bothered
But the rage inside of you just kept building
Until it burst, your soul is kindling
I feel my heart sink as I see the knife in your hand
I know my time has come as you strike
I turn and run as fast as I can go
If I make it back to my room, I can call mike
You’re scratching at the door, knife prying at the lock
Your insane wicked laughter is nothing to mock
Please don’t kill me

[The Sun's An Eye]

Tell me what you see
No one else would believe
Though it’s hidden behind the trees
You can’t deny your eyes
Don’t you stare too long
One blink and you’ll be gone
It sees us with the dawn
With its blinding searing eye

Your legs are shaking fast
Did you think that we could last?
Soon our time here shall be past
All unfolding beneath the eye
Its rays are searing hot
If you thought you’re free you’re not
All life here’s doomed to rot
By the curse of the eye

Don’t you know your life is dust?
Can’t you see your insignificance?
It will find you, you cannot hide
Don’t you blink now, the sun’s an eye

You cannot spread the word
The status quo won’t be stirred
You cannot guide the herd
When it’s shepherd by the eye
Your time is running short
There is no way to retort
Death is no last resort
You can’t escape the eye

Don’t you know your life is dust?
Can’t you see your insignificance?
It will find you, you cannot hide
Don’t you blink now, the sun’s an eye

You start to dread the day
Wish the night won’t go away
But there’s no hope left for you
The sun is coming through
You want to run away
But there’s nowhere that is safe
There’s nothing you can do
Now our time is through


Witches in the night
They’re coming for your firstborn
Don’t blink they’re in the shadows
I hear the death knell tolling
Don’t scream they’ll steal your breath and
Make you their sacrifice don’t
Play with powers you don’t
Understand my child
My child

Now they’ve taken every-
One you’ve ever treasured
Don’t cry it’s not your fault
No one can stop the witches


Eye, Wide, Sight, Sound
Fly, High, Wind, Cloud
Swim, Deep, Ocean, Sleep
Wake, Dawn, Fear, Gone
Eye, Wide, Fear, Cry

Rise from fire
Wake the sea
Spread your wings
We fear you

Stain, Blotch, Tear, Rot
Scent, Love, Taste, Fuck
Fall, Hurt, Blood, Dirt
Warm, Close, Feel, Know
Fear, Hate, Sleep, Cold

Rise from fire
Wake the sea
Spread your wings
We fear you
Fear the dark

[Mother Gaia]

Leaves dance in the air, the sun casts its glare
Waterfall at night, the moon is shining bright
Towering mountain range, I can only guess your age
Sparkling river ebbs and flows, there’s no telling where it goes

Why can’t we find way to save you?
Why are we still burning down our home?
Take me in your arms and hold me close
Mother Gaia, we’re tearing you apart

Smoke is rising high, choking the birds that fly
Oil is running thin, decaying all within
Explosions in the night, another pointless fight
Plastic in the sea, there’s nowhere left to breathe

Why can’t we find way to save you?
Why are we still burning down our home?
Take me in your arms and hold me close
Mother Gaia, we’re tearing you apart

Can’t you see floods?
Can’t you hear the mourning cries?
Can’t you smell the ash?
Is it really worth the cost of lives?

Why aren’t we finding a way to save her?
Why are we still burning down our home?
Beauty lost and raped by our corruption
Mother Gaia, forgive us our wrongs

[Blind Idiot God]

I. Invocation

You’re worthy, you’re creation
You’re destruction, you’re ancient
You’re ugly, you’re beautiful
You’re insane, Blind Idiot God!
You’re waiting, you’re dreaming
You’re crying, you’re laughing
You’re love, you’re hate
You’re chaos, Blind Idiot God!
You’re eternal, you’re stupid
You’re mighty, you’re terrible
You’re wonder, you’re horror
You’re calling, Blind Idiot God!
You’re time, you’re space
You’re life, you’re death
You’re holy, you’re damnation
You’re worthy, Blind Idiot God!

Azathoth, Mighty Outer God
Hear our call, take us to the Everdream
Primordial Chaos, Ancient Father
Come to us now, bring our doom

II. Forbidden Text

Old book, forgotten name
Secret paths to the gateway
Pages can’t be harmed by flame
Eternal words for the Father

Holy text, your words profane
Grant to us what we proclaim

Let the universe fall
Let daemons rise from their slumber
Let us see the Everdream
Forbidden Text send Azathoth

The end is coming
Enchanted music fades
Ancient one is waking
We’re dying as we pray

III. Everdream

Taken by the Everdream
Ride upon the storm
Forbidden god torments me
A nightmare like before

Waking death abandoned
Embrace the wicked night
Earthly ties forgotten
Basking in the light

Heresy becomes me
Blasphemer in their eyes
I cannot care what they see
Their beliefs are lies

Go look into the abyss
It will stare right back at you
Don’t be scared of a little bliss
Our penitence is due

Wander through the Everdream
Mind and soul in flight
The truth is in the Everdream
Just as the book did write

You cannot see him floating there
But his presence we will feel
Chaotic god around us here
The universe will kneel

IV. Ritual

Azathoth! We wake you
Bring us death! bring us life
Azathoth! We sacrifice
Accept our blood! take our dreams
Azathoth! Blind Idiot God
Give us your hate! Give us your love
Azothoth! Let chaos rule
Come tear down the universe
Azothoth! Bastard king
We give you praise! We give you life
Azathoth! The music dies
Break free now! Give us our end

Break free!
Kill time!
End all!
Blood flows!
Screams die!
Wake now!
Wake now!
Wake now!
Wake now!